About Dundas Miniatures
Jim Dundas is a Miniatures Commission Painter with decades of experience building, painting, and basing historical miniatures, both as a hobby and professionally. Specialising in 28mm historical miniature commissions from companies including Perry Miniatures, Gripping Beast, Warlord Games, and Citadel Miniatures, always painted to a high standard.

Jim Dundas is no mere figure painter. Jim Dundas is an artisan, a genuine craftsman who applies his skill to the art of finishing wargame models.
I am not a gamer. I’m a collector of historical mounted cavalry. And I’m a stickler for accuracy.
After contacting a myriad of painters, I decided to go with Jim because (1) he replied to my barrage of questions patiently, promptly, and thoroughly; (2) the pics in his gallery look very nice (even the horses which is where many painters fall short); (3) his fee schedule is reasonable; (4) and perhaps most important of all—he’s willing to accommodate my paint guides. This last point is crucial because my paint guides detail the colors for every element of every model (textile dye colors for the period in question, face markings on horses, etc.).
I commissioned Jim to paint six Victrix cavalry figures, three Normans and three Bretons. And the result? Nothing short of magnificent! Jim captured every single detail just as I specified, and he did so with extraordinary skill. He even hand-painted the shields to match the transfers I selected, thereby alleviating the need to purchase the transfers. Jim captured the transfer designs so perfectly, I had to ask him twice to confirm that he actually painted them by hand. (I wanted to make sure I didn’t owe him for the transfers).
Prior to packing, he emailed a ton of images for my approval. And the figures arrived packed securely.
I could not be more pleased. Even as I write this, Jim and I are already collaborating on the next project. I look forward to many more after it.
Now… about that Byzantine horse barding…
Russ M. Dallas, Texas.